We, at Loja Farda de Boleiro (CNPJ: 48.757.469/0001-04) , are a Website/Physical Store specialized in selling soccer cleats and other sports accessories for athletes' daily lives. Farda de Boleiro has been helping athletes since June 2021, and our main objective is to provide the most varied range of products (1,700) product options with: high quality, at an affordable price, and with differentiated and personalized customer service.

We guarantee 100% delivery and product quality. Our responsibility is customer satisfaction with the shopping experience, and to achieve this we have a specialized support team to assist the customer before (placing the order), during (the process of shipping the product and sending the tracking code), and after the purchase (completion of delivery).

We are frequently updating the products available on the website and expanding our presence in the market. To stay informed, just follow us on Instagram (@fardadeboleirooficial). If you want to contact us, send us a message via WhatsApp (43) 99973-3166.